Friday, August 8, 2008

I'm going to see Journey tomorrow. I'm pretty excited, of course my cousin is getting married one hour before the concert...dilemma. I think I going to try and go to ceremony and skip the reception. I also have to try and convince Jimmy to come with me to a church have full of my loud, nosy family. Um, Good luck to me. There is also a graduation party tonight in Montevallo, I hope there will be a lot of people there. Every party/gathering I have been to this summer has been a little slow, oh well, here's getting ready for school to start back for everybody but me.

Saw Pineapple Express last night. Decent, I thought it kind of lost steam about half way through and went from wacky fun to absolutely ridiculous. But it was still a decent movie. I got sick from eating way too much popcorn and Junior Mints.

Speaking of Junior Mints, I love Seinfeld! I watched the "Kiss Hello" episode this morning over my cinnamon bread. You know I could kind of relate to Jerry. Sometimes your tired from a long day a work and you don't want to have to mindless chit chat with people you barely consider acquaintances. I'm being to cynical, I do love to talk, but you have to your alone time.

Time to go...more later...maybe

Thursday, August 7, 2008

First Day with my Blog

I just got this... I always get things like this and never keep up with them. I guess I don't consider them a priority. Well here's hoping.